What session do you propose for The Collective 2020 Gathering?
Be sure to read the full theme, CFP, and instructions at: www.thelibrarycollective.org/program
Your entry MUST contain the following 5 elements, numbered as follows:
1- Short Session Description. (~100 words)
2- Session Style/Format (e.g. lightning talks, make/hack/play session, etc.)
3- Takeaways: Describe any takeaways, skills, outcomes, and/or interactive elements!
4- Organization. Fully formed (i.e. you have people in mind or chosen to co-organize) or will you initiate a CFP for co-organizers/presenters?
5- Contact Information - Name of primary contact + email!!!

Demogorgons, Mind Flayers, and Influencers: Slaying the Competition
Session Description: Our library users have grown up with influencers, YouTube stars, and professional “amateurs.” How do we create fun and visually appealing content that captures their attention and meets expectations?
We have limited time, we don’t necessarily have strong backgrounds in areas that would help with this (e.g. marketing, video, graphic design), there are few who can provide us with support, and buying tools is expensive and sometimes difficult. We know some tricks and workarounds, but what is everyone else doing?
Session Style: This would be an interactive session that’s one part poster session, one part collaboration/play.
We’d like everyone to share a library material (whether you rolled a 1 or a natural 20) that they’ve made, how they made it, things they learned, and what they'd do better the next time. We’d also encourage folks to post materials that they want to make but don’t know how to tackle. It could be print or digital - poster, handout, PowerPoint, LibGuide, tutorial, video, potion, etc. The session would have time learn from each other through discussion and collaborative feedback.
Takeaways: Our idea at the moment is to have each item posted on an easel pad sheet so that everyone can view the item/link to the item with room to write suggestions and feedback. Still working that out. At the end, we’d take photographs of the materials to share.
Organization: Call for Participation
Contact Info:
Maggie Nunley – mn3fa@virginia.edu
Ashley Hosbach – aeh5mg@virginia.edu
Christine Slaughter – cs7ww@virginia.edu

Initiating an Accessibility Plan of Attack in Your Library
Short Session Description. (~ 100 words)
- It’s been 19 years since the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed and libraries are ideally situated to lead the charge on continuing the initiative to make our built and online environments more universally accessible to all. Are you interested in taking action and making your library more accessible and inclusive for all, including persons with disabilities, but are you feeling overwhelmed about where and how to start? Attending this session will provide an opportunity for participants to hear from (at least) one large academic library’s experience and will give participants an opportunity to consider how their own libraries are embracing the movement to make spaces and resources more universally accessible.
Session Format & Style. Facilitated discussion / round-table.
- Takeaways. Participants will leave with an understanding of how at least one library is intentionally building a more proactive culture of inclusion through accessibility. Participants will also have time to reflect on their own library’s accessibility work and to begin forming a plan of attack to ensure their libraries are accessible to all. A resource handout and link to other presentation materials will be included for future reference.
- At the moment, I am proposing to lead this on my own, but it would be great to co-facilitate and I’d be happy to recruit additional organizers.
Contact Information. Lauren Kehoe | lsk221@nyu.edu | 212.998.2509

Research RPG! Online role playing game...
1. At Westfield State University, we created an online role playing game to serve as a tool to gather assessment data on first-year students' retention of information literacy concepts and skills. I will explain how we created the game and ask a volunteer to play the game for a minute or so. In the game, you play the role of a student conducting research for an environmental science paper and encounter "NPC's" that give advice (some good, some bad).
Here's the URL:http://legacy.lib.westfield.ma.edu/rpg/story.html
2. Pecha Kucha
3. Attendees will learn about the program Storyline (from Articulate) and how to embed Surveymonkey assessment questions into the game
4. I plan on giving the Pecha Kucha but may invite a coworker to present with me.
5. Oliver Zeff, Instruction Coordinator. Westfield State University, Westfield, MA.

A Mage, a Ranger, and a Thief Walk into a Tavern: Building Bridges and Cultivating Community among Underserved Student Populations
1. Short Session Description: Treasure-seekers of all types can find opportunities for shaping community at the library. This workshop will provide a space for participants to explore methods for developing inclusive programming at their institutions. After discussing two new diversity initiatives at Emory Libraries, attendees will reflect upon the needs of their student populations and develop an action plan aimed at empowering and enriching underserved campus communities. In doing so, the workshop will facilitate dialogue around issues like representation, inclusivity, and authority within the academy.
2. Session Style/Format: Workshop
3. Takeaways: Participants will examine projects aimed at enriching and empowering traditionally underserved student communities. They will reflect on opportunities and challenges related to diversity, equity and inclusion programming at their institutions. Takeaways will include:
- Resources and readings
- Project brainstorm document
- Individual action plan
4. Organization: Panel is fully formed.
5. Contact Information: Sarah Morris, Head of Instruction and Engagement, Emory University Libraries, sarah.e.morris@emory.edu
Erica Bruchko, African American Studies and United States History Librarian, Emory University Libraries, berica@emory.edu

Don’t just roll for accessibility, plan for it
- Description: Too often, presentations incorporate components that are not accessible for all attendees. For example, fonts that are too small or hard to read, colors without sufficient contrast, or poor use of the microphone. In this session, attendees bring a presentation they’ve given or plan to give and work to make it more accessible. The session will start with an overview of best practices in accessibility, then move to hands-on time with the attendees’ own work. Attendees will also be invited to partner up, in the event that they do not have their own presentation or laptop available.
- Format: Hands-on workshop.
- Takeaways: Attendees will leave with an improved presentation and a handout with accessibility best practices. Attendees will 1) understand the essentials of print accessibility in order to prepare slides that are visually pleasing and readable, 2) recognize the needs of individuals who are Deaf/deaf or hard of hearing in order to meet those needs, 3) consider carefully activities that require movement or mobility in presentations in order to create an accessible environment.
- Organization: I plan to post a Call for Participation if selected. At least three presenters are needed to make this session successful and four presenters would be better.
- Contact information: Beth Daniel Lindsay, blindsay@sbc.edu

Learning to cast True Sight: negotiating agency (and authority) in interactive and immersive digital narratives
1. Short Session Description. Leveraging librarians’ expertise in the design and support of literacy programs, this roundtable will examine the critical evaluation of immersive digital narratives such as:
- Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: http://revolt.axismaps.com/
- ReBuilding Haiti: http://apps.rue89.com/haiti/en/
- The Boat: http://www.sbs.com.au/theboat/
- Parisian Narratives in Virtual Reality: https://ablconnect.harvard.edu/book/parisian-narratives-virtual-reality
Attendees will brainstorm approaches for incorporating aspects of literacy unique to immersive or interactive narratives into library instruction.
The roundtable discussion will touch on:
- identification of the ideological underpinnings of an immersive digital narrative
- how to understand the evolving relationship between user agency and authorial power
- major skill sets required for interactive digital narrative literacy
2. Session Format & Style. lightning talks & discussion roundtable
3. Takeaways. Attendees will leave the discussion with ideas for expanding existing information literacy programs to address immersive, multimedia experiences such as multimodal long-form journalism, AR/VR programming, and immersive games.
There will be handouts. Everyone loves handouts. And gleaning.
4. Organization. We would like to send out a CFP for others interested in presenting a lightning talk, to hear others’ experiences of this kind of work. Discussion will be guided by an agenda (shared beforehand) and questions posed through the lightning talks.
5. Contact Information.
Emily Bell: emilybell@fas.harvard.edu
Emily Coolidge Toker: etoker@g.harvard.edu
Paul Hanna: phanna@fas.harvard.edu

Zine Quest: Alternative Pedagogy & Community Building
1. Short Session Description. (~ 100 words)
Zines are powerful tools for self-expression, interrogating authority, and subverting homogenous media representation in the classroom. Working with faculty, students, and community partners, librarians Jennifer Eltringham and Carlos Duarte have developed programs at their institution as well as with local school districts and public libraries that use zines to foster individual agency, present alternative modes for publishing, and promote novel approaches for academic engagement. This workshop will empower attendees not only to develop zine programs in their own communities, but also to turn their unique personal interests into impactful pedagogical practice more generally.
2. Session Format & Style.
In this hands-on workshop, participants will use pen and paper to co-create a guidebook for embarking on their own quest to employ alternative pedagogical tools such as zines.
3. Takeaways
This workshop will encourage participants to create a zine that will help them develop a campaign to find potential collaborators, reach out to community partners, avoid pitfalls, and implement this form of culturally sustaining pedagogy in a variety of ways.
4. Organization
The two main organizers, Jennifer Eltringham and Carlos Duarte, will reach out to faculty and community partners who have collaborated with us in these projects to present multiple perspectives in the session
5. Contact Information
Jennifer Eltringham, Instruction Librarian, University of Colorado Colorado Springs – jeltring@uccs.edu, 719-255-3929
Carlos Duarte, Outreach and Intergeneration Librarian, University of Colorado Colorado Springs – cduarte@uccs.edu, 719-255-3017

Slide into being a DM: Facilitating tech-enabled learning in your library with creative kits
Session description
Seymour Papert said: “The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge” — just substitute Dungeon Master, facilitator, or librarian for “teacher”! In this session, participants will have the opportunity to be the DM (facilitator!) of a creative STEAM learning experience. Much like a DM, a great facilitator allows participants to explore their own paths and creates balance between good scaffolding and open-ended outcomes.
You’ll practice with several creative kits that we’ve designed in collaboration with librarians and Media Lab researchers. Kit themes include outer space exploration, urban ecology, computational thinking, making, storytelling with data, and more! You’ll also leave with a set of design patterns for creative kits that we’ve been developing and refining over the course of the last year. You can use these patterns to design creative kits for your own library, meaningfully inviting your patron community to interact with new, emerging technologies in creative ways.
Session Format & Style
make/hack/play session & hands-on workshop
-An understanding of the creative learning pedagogy
-A set of design patterns for prototyping your own creative kits
-Tips & tricks for building your facilitation practice & tinkering mindset
-We’ll even have a few of our kits that we’ll be giving away for participants to take back to their library!
Three members of the MIT Media Lab’s Public Library Innovation Exchange (PLIX) team will facilitate. PLIX is a community of librarians and MIT Media Lab researchers who strive to integrate the ideas of creative learning into their facilitation practice. Together, this community has been developing new creative STEAM learning experiences—based on MIT Media Lab research and designed for the public library setting. Learn more about our work at https://plix.media.mit.edu.
Contact Information
Lydia Guterman, lguterma@media.mit.edu
Katherine McConachie, kamcco@media.mit.edu
Doyung Lee, doyung@media.mit.edu

What's Your Character Class?: Using Personality To Be Your Best Librarian Self
Short Session Description: It's easy to place all librarians in the same character class, but we all come to work with certain skills and abilities. It's time to break out of the typical and embrace the class that honors your specific strengths. But, do you know what character class best fits you? Do you like personality quizzes? Then this session is for you! Take a quiz, learn your best character class and what strengths you bring to the table, and learn how to become your best librarian self.
Session Style/Format: Hands-on workshop with character building sheets and time for small group discussion.
Takeaways: During the session, participants will take a short personality quiz. Upon receiving their results, we'll learn about the different character classes and how knowing your class can make you a better librarian. We will also discuss how to appreciate other character classes and form the best teams for tackling projects. Participants will have access to the quiz after the session to share within their libraries and they'll also have character sheets to keep track of their strengths.
Organization: Currently, I'm on my own, however, I've noticed some similar themes and am open to pairing up with interested parties or striking out on my own.
Contact Information:
Elin Woods, Reference Librarian, Indiana University of Pennsylvaia, ewoods@iup.edu

State of Sound: Recording Community
Session Description
In this workshop, two North Carolina State University Librarians will lead attendees through hands-on activities which make use of innovative and accessible sound making and recording technologies and practices. These activities are the same as those used to promote and encourage participation in State of Sound. The first activity - Songwriting in 15 Minutes - will result in everyone in the room writing, recording, and sharing a song to State of Sound in a very short amount of time. All skill levels are appropriate and all outcomes are exciting and inspiring, mirroring the drive of State of Sound to collect work from everyone, regardless of experience. The second activity - Making Music with Music - puts attendees behind the decks in a DJ workshop, showing how records and recorded sounds are accessible instruments that can be remixed to share new ideas. Both of these activities use technologies that are available through our Libraries but which can also be accessed through smartphone apps. All technology will be provided.
Hands on Workshop and Play Session!
Sound recording technology has been with us since the 19th century, and in 2019 barriers to accessing this technology have largely been lifted. In fact, many of us carry full-fledged recording studios with us wherever we go and call them “phones.” The ubiquity and age of this technology, however, leads it to often being taken for granted. Understanding and practicing recording sound can lead to stories and ideas being shared to wider audiences faster, can foster creative collaborations, can showcase innovative work, and can build communities of sound makers that motivate one another to develop media communication skills.
At the end of the workshop attendees will have a greater understanding of and appreciation for accessible sound making, sharing, and recording technologies and practices. They will see how stories can be told and how creative work can be showcased using these accessible technologies. And they will see how the State of Sound model inspires community, collaboration, and creativity through sound making.
Fully formed with two (maybe three) presenters!
Contact Information:
Alex Valencia: aavalenc@ncsu.edu
Jason Evans Groth: jevansg@ncsu.edu
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