Role Initiative: Creating or Recreating Your Job
1- Short Session Description: Sometimes we have a job with a detailed job description, established responsibilities, and clear expectations. But sometimes we are the first person to hold a position and must ourselves imagine and define it — in other words, our first responsibility is figuring out what the job actually is. And sometimes we are in an established position but need or want to redefine it, either for our own benefit or for the benefit of our library or patrons. In this session, panelists who have created or recreated their library jobs will discuss their experiences and lead activities in which attendees will consider how to embody a new role or renew their existing one.
2- Session Format & Style: Interactive panel
3- Takeaways: Attendees will gain knowledge of real-world examples of job invention and reinvention, and will leave with ideas and strategies for refreshing existing jobs and/or (re)defining future ones.
4- Organization: I would post a CFP to find co-presenters with a range of self-defined roles from a variety of library types.
5- Contact Information: Jill Cirasella, jcirasella@gc.cuny.edu
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I've got a submission on here as well, but if that one doesn't work out, this is something I would be interested in jumping on!
i'm in the middle of doing this! I'd love to chat about the experience.
I'm interested! This is something that I'm grappling with now - redefining my position.