
Slaying the authority work dragon

Mike Monaco 6 years ago 0

Your catalog needs to be rescued from the ravages of split indexes, uncontrolled names, and out-dated subject headings. But you don't have a dragon's hoard on hand to pay for outsourcing. Let's get together and brainstorm ways to improve database quality using the tools you already have or can get for free! Conveners Mike Monaco (The University of Akron) and Stacey Wolf (University of North Texas) will demonstrate some ways they've automated quality control and authority work in-house. Participants will practice with these tools and work toward developing procedures and plans for their own libraries.

Session format & style: Hands-on workshop

Takeaways: Participants will learn some ways to use MarcEdit reports, Connexion batch searching, and other tools to automate authority control tasks

Organization: Two conveners have been identified, although we are open to call for more participants

Contact information:

Mike Monaco

Coordinator, Cataloging Services

The University of Akron

Office: 330-972-2446
