
Being the Best D(egree) Master You Can: The Quest for Practical Library School Experience

Michelle Mitchell 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

Short Session Description: The quest of library school programs vary greatly from highly regarded to the small, hidden gems. No matter the characteristics of a library school program, there seems to be a central daunting question: Did my MLS program prepare me for professional librarianship? In this workshop you will create a campaign for the core library curriculum, focusing on one that can blend the theoretical with the practical for the ultimate professional quest. You’ll leave this session critically thinking about the future of LIS programs and also newfound skills in justifying courses/programs you want to design and propose!

Session Format & Style: Hands-on workshop

Takeaways: Participants will leave this session with a variety of takeaways such as workforce development support; course/program justification; and Integrated Course Design.

Organization: Fully formed

Contact Information:
Michelle Mitchell

SUNY Morrisville

Instructional Services Librarian

mitchemk@morrisville.edu ; (315) 684-6951

Tisha Mentnech

NC State University Libraries

Research Librarian for Life Sciences and Research Impact

tdmentne@ncsu.edu ; 919-513-4024