The Library Collective Video Adventure: a world-building workshop to engage, train, and inspire library employees
1- Short Session Description. Training library assistants can feel like a beast. To new employees, the library staff handbook looks like a dungeon of minutiae and the furthest thing from a world-building adventure.
This active learning session encourages library employees to create digital magic to defeat the dreadful monsters of library policy and procedure. Based on a successful peer-learning video training initiative at two academic libraries, this session will allow participants to create their own brief videos from Library Collective pictures and videos. Students will become the masters, and we’ll select the best videos during the session. All participants will receive a make-believe figure created in the convener’s 3-d printing lab and the knowledge to implement this magical, peer-learning and teaching initiative.
2- Session Format: Brief Introduction (pecha kucha )/ Hands-on Workshop / Skill-building Workshop
3- Takeaways: Participants will learn how to implement a peer-learning video initiative with their library assistants. The small groups will then pool their pictures taken at the Library Collective and create a short video using the free video applications on their mobile devices or laptops. Participants will receive a magical, 3-d printed figurine from the convener’s makerspace, as well as the skills to implement a similar peer-learning adventure at your home library.
4- Organization: The convener is ready to serve alone, but I will post a call for participants who would like to take pictures of the Library Collective which will be featured and awarded during the session. We will break into small groups for the activity and then vote on our favorite videos.
5- Contact Information: Hunter Murphy, thmurphy@stetson.edu
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Love this!
This sounds fantastic! I especially love that it's set up as a hands-on workshop so that participants will have something to take home in addition to the skills they'll learn.
What a great idea. Who doesn't like digital magic!
Interactive exercise engages community building among library employees at all levels. The innovative beginning with a Beast in a "dungeon of minutiae" lightly ends with a magical 3d figurine. Sounds like a hero's journey!
What an excellent way to engage learners. This sounds like a workshop I would like to participate in!
The training would be creative, fun and most of all not boring.
team building and creating...let's do it!
This is a great idea and I have witnessed Hunter do something very similar at our institution for training purposes. Everyone involved had a ball making the videos and learned a lot in the process. It is a great learning tool and is still used years later.
What a fantastically creative way to encourage and inspire learning through fun exercise. Great idea!
I absolutely love this idea!! I was trained by him in the last institution he worked for, and it was the best time ever!
Very efficient, effective and fun! I absolutely believe this is going to be even better!
This is a great idea!
Wonderful workshop idea! I've had the privilege of being trained by Hunter at his former library position. He has a wonderful talent for not only coming up with creative, brilliant ideas but also bringing them to life!
Awesome idea! Really love how fun and engaging this concept is. It would definitely be memorable and enjoyable so it really goes beyond basic training and also allows for rapport to be built among members. Having been previously trained by Hunter in the past it’s no surprise to me that he was able to come up with more creative ways to train and engage with his employees!
Truly innovative and creative idea! I love the implementation of video and the peer to peer engagement. Definitely a transformational approach to a needed engagement in libraries. Love it!
I love this idea!
The use of RPG and interactive elements is a brilliant way to enlist new employees in the adventure party of the library.
I look forward to gaining this experience and leveling up!
Wow! What a fun way to learn the library as a team. I love that the learners end up with a take-away figurine to remind them of their magical knowledge tour. Sign me up!
This is the best way to engage the participants. Hands on interactive programs are engaging and so much easier to absorb. It sounds like a trading session I would enjoy attending.
What a brilliant way to engage and encourage participants. Training can be a mundane process, so implementing a hands-on experience would be an improved process for learning the minutiae of policies and procedures. It's also a statement to a new employee that s/he is working in a creative environment, determined to have an educated and cooperative staff.
Engaged learners = Effective learning,
This sounds incredible! Such a creative workshop idea! I would love to attend.