Tinker Tools: Library Game Building Workshop
1- Short Session Description. (~100 words)
Grab your tinker tools for this session about building games for libraries! In this make session you will learn the basics of game design for library instruction and training. The presenter will share examples of games created for libraries, including games she has collaborated on creating. We will spend the rest of the session brainstorming game ideas to meet your own library's learning objectives and creating a working prototype! Participants will leave the session with a prototype for a board game or card game. Materials for creating prototypes will be provided (including dice and game pieces).
2- Session Style/Format (e.g. lightning talks, make/hack/play session, etc.)
Make session
3- Takeaways: Describe any takeaways, skills, outcomes, and/or interactive elements!
Understanding of basics of game design for libraries.
Interactive activity: building game prototypes and collaborating with the presenter and other attendees.
A game prototype will be taken away from the session!
4- Organization. Fully formed (i.e. you have people in mind or chosen to co-organize) or will you initiate a CFP for co-organizers/presenters?
I will be facilitating the session. Some of my colleagues may co-facilitate the game prototyping phase of the session.
5- Contact Information - Name of primary contact + email!!!
Allison Shepard - allison@utk.edu
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