We're Not a Team, We're a Party of Adventurers: Tabletop Gaming and Library Group Dynamics
Short Session Description: The etymological root of the word “team” is based on the concept of animals harnessed to a plow, with all of its implied self-sacrifice. By contrast, the word “party” stems from the idea of dividing something, such as a pie -- or work. For this presentation, each participant will make a character for the Dungeon World tabletop role-playing system. Attendees will then form five person parties of adventurers, and we will discuss how each group would function as a library staff. The session will end with an exploration of how these sub-groups could evolve further as a workplace community.
Session Style/Format: Hands-on workshop
Takeaways: Creating character sheets for the Dungeon World role-playing system will be an inherent part of participating in this session. Attendees will be encouraged to take their completed character sheets home with them. A visually appealing handout will also be offered, describing how to implement the “party of adventurers” paradigm as an alternative to the idea of working as a team.
Organization: This session will be facilitated by me alone.
Contact Information: Joelle Mellon Email: jmellon@mindspring.com
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