Women as Warriors in Academia
1. Short Session Description:
Women in higher education continue to struggle to be seen as equal to their male counterparts. Women in higher education continue to rise at a slower rate in professional ranks than their male counterparts. The authors believe the Collegial Support Triangle addresses some of the issues facing women in academia and career building. What strategies can women use to attain their desired level of leadership? We would like to share our triangle for you to take back to your workplace and implement for your own level of professional fulfillment.
2. Session Style/Format: Interactive panel
3. Takeaways:
- Take the triangle back and use it to develop and action plan.
- Examine their own skill set: identify strengths and weaknesses. Identify women who can benefit from your strengths and women who can assist in turning your weaknesses into strengths, building mutual support and growth.
- Put a plan into action and assess regularly for any changes that may be needed.
4. Organization: Texas Tech University
5. Contact Information: Carrye Syma, carrye.syma@ttu.edu
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