
Public Palaces, Staff Dungeons: Balancing Public and Staff Needs in Library Spaces

AshleyMCarr 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

1- Short Session Description. (~100 words)

We’ve all heard the stories -- an innovative, award-winning library is THE place to be for the community, but staff has no space of their own to complete tasks, collaborate with their colleagues, or just get away from the public for a time. Architecture and design have the power to inspire creativity, productivity and collaboration, particularly in libraries, but community user and library staff needs/wants are different. How do we advocate for and create library spaces that work for library patrons AND staff?

2- Session Style/Format

An interactive panel of public and academic librarians and library space designer/architects

3- Takeaways

Panelists and participants will discuss staff space needs in modern libraries, balancing public and staff spaces and brainstorm ways to advocate for staff spaces in the design process new and renovated library spaces

4- Organization

I will put out a CFP for panelists from public and academic libraries and for designers or architects that have experience with library design.

5- Contact Information

Ashley Carr (acarr@austincc.edu)