
Critical Framework the Gathering: Adding New Instructional Practices to Your Library

Maya Hobscheid 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

Descriptive Title

Critical Framework the Gathering: Adding New Instructional Practices to Your Library

Short Session Description (~ 100 words)

In Magic the Gathering, players stack their decks with a variety of cards with different benefits and abilities that they use to help themselves or harm their opponents. In libraries, our deck is often stacked with frameworks and pedagogical theories that help guide us through our work. In this session, we will provide participants with Magic the Gathering style cards; each card will have a framework or pedagogical theory and a brief description. In small groups, participants will be provided with different scenarios and will need to rely on their framework cards to find a solution. Try your hand and discover your destiny!

Frameworks/Theories (including but not limited to)

  1. UDL
  2. Critical Pedagogy
  3. Feminist
  4. Trauma-informed
  5. Backwards Design
  6. Constructivist theories
  7. Motivational theories
  8. Metacognition
  9. Student development theories
  10. Differentiated

Session Format & Style

Introduction, small group game play, debrief


Participants will be able to add new approaches/frameworks to their teaching toolkit

Participants will be able to identify new ways to create inclusive learning environments


We have a group.

Contact Information

Maya Hobscheid, hobschem@gvsu.edu

Emily Frigo, frigoe@gvsu.edu

Meredith Knoff, merknoff@iu.edu