
What's Your Character Class?: Using Personality To Be Your Best Librarian Self

Elin Woods 6 years ago 0

Short Session Description: It's easy to place all librarians in the same character class, but we all come to work with certain skills and abilities. It's time to break out of the typical and embrace the class that honors your specific strengths. But, do you know what character class best fits you? Do you like personality quizzes? Then this session is for you! Take a quiz, learn your best character class and what strengths you bring to the table, and learn how to become your best librarian self.

Session Style/Format: Hands-on workshop with character building sheets and time for small group discussion.

Takeaways: During the session, participants will take a short personality quiz. Upon receiving their results, we'll learn about the different character classes and how knowing your class can make you a better librarian. We will also discuss how to appreciate other character classes and form the best teams for tackling projects. Participants will have access to the quiz after the session to share within their libraries and they'll also have character sheets to keep track of their strengths.

Organization: Currently, I'm on my own, however, I've noticed some similar themes and am open to pairing up with interested parties or striking out on my own.

Contact Information:

Elin Woods, Reference Librarian, Indiana University of Pennsylvaia, ewoods@iup.edu