What session do you propose for The Collective 2020 Gathering?

Be sure to read the full theme, CFP, and instructions at: www.thelibrarycollective.org/program

Your entry MUST contain the following 5 elements, numbered as follows: 

1- Short Session Description. (~100 words)

2- Session Style/Format (e.g. lightning talks, make/hack/play session, etc.)

3- Takeaways: Describe any takeaways, skills, outcomes, and/or interactive elements!

4- Organization. Fully formed (i.e. you have people in mind or chosen to co-organize) or will you initiate a CFP for co-organizers/presenters?

5- Contact Information - Name of primary contact + email!!!


Surviving as a Low Level Wizard in a World Full of Really Sharp Objects

***** 5 years ago 0

Short Session Description:

Even librarians who have successfully completed graduate programs in library and information science and obtained employment often find that their education has under-prepared them for the challenges of the profession. And information professionals who have been in the field for years will still reflect upon what they WISH they had learned in library school. The program director for the MS LIS program at the school of Information Sciences at UIUC will lead this discussion encouraging thoughts from the field about how LIS curricula might be expanded and reshaped to ensure thriving (and surviving!) new professionals.

Session Format and Style: Discussion roundtable

Takeaways: contribution to development of prominent LIS program; opportunity to share experiences and perspectives with peers

Under review

Tales of the Cyber-Bard: Stories of peril in and defense of the keep

Jim Peterson 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

Come listen to bards from near and from far tell stories of keeps' breaches and how they did spar... Learn tricks and devices for thieves and for shadows, to fend off their attacks and send them to gallows.

A bit of a round-table discussion for the discussion of cybersecurity topics, including secure passwords, smart cards, ransomware attacks, and any other questions the audience may have. Open participation.