
Rolling to see if we succeed: can elearning tame the information literacy dragon?

AngelaHenshilwood 5 years ago 0

1- Short Session Description. (~100 words

Enter the realm of elearning and academic libraries and take on one of our world’s roles to fight the resistance to information literacy among the ranks of academia. In this session, players will role play using personas to flesh out the challenges around elearning from a variety of perspectives. Then in small teams, players will design solutions to those challenges using all the charms and spells that elearning has to offer. The Dungeon Masters of this session will also share about their own initiative to tame the dragon of information literacy. NB: no dragons will be harmed during this session.

2- Session Style/Format (e.g. lightning talks, make/hack/play session, etc.

Hands-on workshop OR small group breakout

3 - Takeaways:

Participants will takeaway:

  • A sense of relief from having fully explored and shared the challenges of elearning in academic libraries
  • Concrete solutions and ideas for overcoming those challenges 

4 - Organization:

Fully formed

5- Contact Information:

Angela Henshilwood - angela.henshilwood@utoronto.ca

Tracy Zahradnik - tracy.zahradnik@utoronto.ca