
Goblins in the Library: Managing Mischief

Taryn Bartholomew 5 years ago 0

Goblins in the Library: Managing Mischief

Short Session Description. Students come to Lycoming College’s Snowden Library for many of the same reasons patrons visit any library: to borrow materials, use computers or printers, find a silent space to study, work on a project with a group, relax, socialize and more. Sometimes it seems that their sole reason to visit the library is to cause mischief. From noise problems to stolen plants, our goblins have inspired us to implement some creative solutions, including re-branding zones within the library to extra tattle-tape, to manage these new challenges.

Session Format & Style. Roundtable. Participants will work in groups as they play an interactive card game designed to manage goblin mischief. Each card represents a real-life mischief scenario inspired by the goblins that visit our libraries! Participants will express their initial reaction to the mischief, discuss appropriate steps to diffuse mischief including who to contact and what policies or procedures could be put in place. Remember, goblin mischief evolves quickly so you must act fast!

Takeaways. Participants will leave with completed a goblin mischief sheet that records solutions to managing disruptions in the library. They will walk away with creative solutions to the evolving behavioral issues occurring in libraries which they can use to help shape their own policies.

Organization. No formed group- I would like to collaborate with other library staff who have had to combat unique mischief within their libraries. I plan to post a Call for Participation so that others can join.

Contact Information. Taryn Bartholomew – bartholomew@lycoming.edu