
“Serfing” our way to innovation: gamifying a culture shift from the ground up.

Allison Jennings-Roche 5 years ago 0


“Serfing” our way to innovation: gamifying a culture shift from the ground up.

Short Session Description:

Leadership can only do so much to foster innovation if individual relationships are not strong, so what daily actions can we take to develop a community of trust and build a culture shift from the ground up? In our structured board game, players will practice micro-affirmations, break down silos with the power of collaboration, plumb the depths of the dreary day-to-day for opportunities to level up, and show how every piece on the board has the power to change a library’s destiny.

Session Format & Style: Highly interactive; participants will play a custom-designed board game.

Takeaways: Practical strategies to improve one’s work culture no matter the hierarchy; e.g., finding meaning in the “boring stuff” and helping others to do the same; seeking out opportunities for collaboration and creativity; and seeing people for who they are instead of just their job title.

Organization: Fully formed; completed initial game design brainstorm.

Contact Information:

Allison Jennings-Roche (ajenningsroche@umbc.edu), Reference Specialist at UMBC

Nett Smith (n21@umbc.edu), Digital Media Specialist at UMBC