
From Goblins to Demogorgons: using active learning strategies to design library instruction like a Dungeon Master

Robyn Hartman 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

1. Short Description

Dungeons Masters use active learning techniques to build their game sessions and Librarians can use these practices to design library instruction. MEET your students where they are- will they be decimated by a goblin raiding party, or are they ready to take on the Demogorgon? ENGAGE students in their own learning story- let them experiment, make choices, and face the results, even when that causes a Total Party Kill! REFLECT on the lessons learned- was trying to ride that dragon really a good choice? What do they want to accomplish in order to level up?

2. Session Style: Hands-on Workshop

3. Takeaways: Using active learning techniques, participants will strategize ways to incorporate the active learning principles of MEET, ENGAGE, and REFLECT into their own library instruction design.

4. Organization: CFP, especially for co-presenters who are current or past participants of Librarians Active Learning Institute at Dartmouth College, whose principles this session is based on. 

5. Contact information: Robyn Hartman, Information and Digital Literacy Librarian, Fort Hays State University. rchartman@fhsu.edu