
Lock Them In Early: Implementing Escape Rooms and Gaming Into Your New Student Orientations

Bonnie Hauser 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0
  1. The PFW Library Orientation Team would love this opportunity to share how we have implemented gaming into our Freshman Orientations. We were faced with the opportunity to engage our students early in their academic careers, and so we chose to use Escape Rooms and open gaming zones to do so. We will present our knowledge, gained through trial and error, in the form of interactive gameplay, handouts, and Q&A. We would be bringing some cheat sheets for building an Escape Room, as well as running a small group of volunteers through the game itself. After doing so, we would give a short presentation on what we found to be the strengths and weaknesses to our approach, and then open the floor for questions.
  2. Session Style - Interactive Demo of our current Escape Room, followed by a short presentation, ended by Q&A
  3. Our takeaway would be the knowledge gained, as well as handouts giving details on how to build an Escape Room.
  4. We are a fully formed group.
  5. Contact information - Bonnie Hauser - Co-Lead Organizer, Purdue Fort Wayne Library, millbr02@pfw.edu