Under review

EXAMPLE SESSION IDEA: Productive is Pretty

Ashley Maynor 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 1

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1 - Short Session Description: When complex systems work well, it’s not only useful--it’s beautiful! Academic libraries use dozens of intricate workflows in every facet of the organization. This session will focus on using free project management tools to create and implement new or existing workflows for collaborative teams (yay, transparency!) and individuals (take that, to-do list!). There will be an idea library of real-world examples that library teams are already practicing, and seasoned veterans on hand for coaching. Beginning users with problems to solve and advanced users looking for creative uses and automation techniques are all welcome!

Note: Session will focus on one or two tools only, likely Trello (and IFTTT/Zapier) and Habitica.

2- Session Style/Format: Make-Hack-Play or Skill Building Workshop

3- Takeaways: Participants will leave with: -Trello or Habitica accounts -A productive solution for at least one collaborative work or personal goal (e.g. a Trello board or Habitica Challenge) -Access to an example showcase for adapting existing systems and gaining inspiration

4 - Organization: CFP for example showcase (i.e. People who have examples of how they are using Trello or Habitica in libraries)

5 - Contact Information: Jess Williams (williamsjessi@umkc.edu) or Dani Wellemeyer (wellemeyerdm@umkc.edu )

Under review

This is where one would productively and civilly comment on another's project and/or express interest or start a conversation about collaborating!